Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another Note in the Wall

The Western Wall - the epicenter of the Jewish Universe.  The direction in which every Jewish prayer is sent, be it from Great Neck or from the Old City of Jerusalem.  Last night, and then again today, we had the opportunity to experience this first-hand, with hundreds and thousands of other worldwide travellers who have made the journey to the holiest of all Jewish sites.

As is the custom for many, prayers in the form of notes are written and inserted into the cracks and crevices of the wall, and a direct connection is made between the individual and the sacred, as close as we can come today to the Temple Mount.

Thousands of tiny pieces of paper, inserted into the gaps between King Herod's massive stones.  Will each prayer be answered?  While that question remains, there is no doubt that as they are placed inside the wall, each prayer has been delivered, and has been heard.

-- Mark Putter


  1. May all of your prayers be answered. So happy to hear that you are all having such a meaningful and enjoyable time! Keep the updates coming- The whole Congregation is there with you in spirit. Way to "represent!" ;-)

    1. Thanks to you and your family. Happy birthday Hanna!

