Thursday, August 23, 2012

Girls Rule!

Today in Israel, girls ruled even more than we normally do. Everyone went rafting down the Jordan River, and Amanda, Barrett, Emily, my mom and I were in the same raft.  With our strong paddlers, everyone leaning in rhythm, and singing our fancy tunes, we were unstoppable. We were in sync with the river.  We lost sight of the rest of the crew because we were so far ahead, and finished first out of all the rafts.  Later, we went on a jumpy Jeep ride through the Golan Heights.  The girls were together and unstoppable again!  We were the first Jeep and we had so much fun, whether it was watching cows or singing songs! Go Girls!

-- Leah Klempner

1 comment:

  1. GIRLS TOTALLY RULE!!!! I'm there in spirit with you!!! Wooooo hooooo!!!! :) GO GIRLS!
